- Joomla! is absolutely free
Ease of Use
- Efficient control of users, links, content and files
- Search engine friendly URLs
- Image Resizing
- Prototyping
- The ability to choose your WYSIWYG Editor
- Content Syndication (RSS) enabling the incorporation of news bullteins
- User Profiling
- Blog
- Picture Galleries
- Contact Management
- FAQ Management
- Banner Management
- Document Management
- Mail Form
- Calendar
- Polls
- Built-in search facility
- Search Engine visibility is easily controllbale
- Data manager for uploading and administering information
- Archiving facility, enabling the re-use of content
- Publication of content in printable, pdf or email format
- Simple workflow system
- Multilingual frontend
- User Contributions
Management & Performance
- Content Scheduling
- Simple and expandable template and component system
- On-line Administration
- Asset Management
- Simple web Statistics
- Caching mechanism that speeds up the site's operation
- Content Approval
- Email Verification and protection from spam robots
- Login History
- Session Management
- Versioning
- Hierarchical user groups
- Commercial Support, including Training
- Large developer Community
- Online Help
- Public Forum
- Third-Party Developers