If you'd like to use our services, give us a call so that we can discuss what you have in mind and give you an approximate quotation. We encourage you to arrange a meeting with us for an hour or so where we can show you how we work, flesh out your exact requirements, plan your website's structure and discuss some design ideas. At the end of the meeting we can quote you immediately based on what was discussed.

These meetings tend to be more informational than a hard sell, there is no cost and is a free consultation in effect so ideal if you are starting out to research your project. We are the experts in our field - you are the expert in yours and the resulting website is a combination of both our inputs.

The next step involves you coming in for 3-4 hours and having website installed and up and running before you leave. We also get agreement on certain aspects e.g. colours, template and more often than not a logo designed too (we work fast) - then I give you some homework to do and in the following week I tidy up aspects that I don't need to waste your time on.

Then the following week you come back for another 3-4 hour session where I answer any questions you have as to how to maintain the site yourself (it helps if you have tried to do the homework). We also tidy it up there and then with you there. So it is a day out of your life!

Even if it is not a Website in a Day we tend to work with the client sitting down with us at appropriate points which speeds things up all round and results in the customer having a more direct input into the completed project.

While you gather up the initial content and imagery, we'll complete the structure with whatever we have to hand and using a combination of photography, stock photos etc. to complete the working website. Now the structure is essentially complete it's up to you the client to come back with whatever else is needed to get whatevers needed in the timeframe agreed upon.


  • Website Cost?

    Generally websites can be categorised as brochure, development or eCommerce websites . For instance, a custom web application involves a lot

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  • Website - How Long?

    One of our products is a website in a day, which shows you how quickly we can work. The Website

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  • The Next Step?

    If you'd like to use our services, give us a call so that we can discuss what you have in

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  • Self Maintenance?

    It won't cost anything. All of the websites we create are either with Joomla or Magento (for eCommerce websites) which

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  • Mobile Friendly?

    Yes they are. Another way of describing our websites is as being responsive depending on what device they are being

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